Removable air-conditioning, add refrigerant, repair, cleaning machinery, lifting, shifting, moving storage of goods in transit. 拆装空调,加雪种,维修,清洗机械的吊装,移位,搬迁仓库货物的转移。
Unless the goods are damaged or lost in transit, there is no coverage for simply a delay or loss of market ( a change in market demand for the goods) itself. 除非货物是在运输途中灭失或损坏,对于市场的延误或者是丢失(对于货物需求市场的变化)一般情况下是不赔付的。
I'm sorry, but we cannot be responsible for goods that are lost in transit. 我感到很难过。但是我们对货物在运输中的丢失没有责任。
The danger lay in the court's narrow view of interstate commerce as consisting only goods in transit. 危险在于法院关于州际贸易的观点,太狭隘,认为它只包括运输中的货物。
While your goods are in transit, our advanced technology provides visibility into your shipment status. 当您的货物在运输途中时,我们先进的技术可以让您随时检视货件状态。
And cooperation with a number of insurance companies, greatly reduce the transport of goods in transit risks. 并与多家保险公司合作,大大减低了货物的在途运输风险。
In consequence of improper packing, the goods were seriously damaged in transit. 由于包装不当,货物在运输途中严重受损。
The goods are now in transit. 此批货物正在运输途中。
Please note that damage to goods in transit is frequently the result of inadequate packaging. 请注意,转运是对物品造成的损坏通常是由于包装不当所致。
Perishable goods are subject to damage in transit. 易腐烂的货物在运输途中容易损坏。
All interline baggage is transferred automatically. The goods were damaged in transit. 转机旅客的行李在中转站被自动转运。货物在转运中破损。
To steal ( goods) from a vehicle in transit. 从运输途中的交通工具上偷取(货物)
It is possible to make an insurance claim for any goods lost or damaged in transit. 为在运输上丢失或受损的货物要求保险赔偿是可能的。
A part of the goods were damaged in transit. 一货物在运输途中受损。
In taking a physical inventory, special considerations should be given to goods in transit and the passage of title to merchandise. 在进行实物清点时,应特别注意在途商品以及商品所有权的转让。
It can represent as security to banks and entitles its holder to sell the goods while in transit. 载货证券对银行而言可以是种担保,也给其持有人卖出海上运送中货物的权利。
The goods were damaged in transit. 货物在转运中破损。
Goods delayed or lost in transit 在运输中延误或遗失的货物
Goods in transit are also protected against all the other perils I've mentioned? fire, flood, tempest and so on. 货物在运输途中时还都投保我方才所说的各种险??火险、水灾险、风暴险等。
The buyer would bear all costs and charges relating to the goods whilst in transit until their arrival at the port of destination, unless such costs and charges were for the seller's account under the contract of carriage. 买方承担货物在运输途中直至到达目的港为止的一切费用,除非这些费用根据运输合同应由卖方支付。
The Commission also stressed that the short-term solution to the problem of goods in transit should not be seen as a revision of the bilateral agreement, since it would involve using this year as much as10 per cent of the pullover import quota earmarked for2006. 欧盟委员会同时强调短期的商品过境解决方案不会出现在修正的双边协议里,因为这将涉及到今年要占用指定为明年进口套衫配额的10%。
This section shall not apply to any goods in transit. 本条之规定不适用于任何转口货品。
The goods were lost in transit. 这些货色正在运赢外丧失落了。
The rights against the goods include a right to withhold delivery of goods, to a lien, to stop the goods in transit and a right to resell the goods. 对货物的权利包括拒绝交付货物的权利、留置权、停止货物送运、转卖货物的权利。
You shall be responsible for the loss of the goods in transit. 对于货物在运输途中的损失,你方应该承担责任。
These goods were damaged in transit. 这些货物在运输过程中损坏了。
The risk in respect of goods sold in transit passes to the Buyer from the time of the conclusion of the contract. 对于在运输途中销售的货物,从订立合同时起,风险就移转到买方承担。
We claim for the value of the goods under our Goods in Transit cover. 我们根据所投保的运输途中货物险,对货物的价值提出索赔。
The risk bearing of the trade on goods in transit; 路货买卖的风险负担;
To promote the sustainable development of border town cross-border cooperation, it needs to negotiate with neighboring country, encourage the participation of NGO and enterprises, improve the infrastructure construction and process the goods in transit. 要促进边境城镇跨境合作的可持续发展,还需不断加强与邻国进行合作协商,提高非政府组织和企业的参与率,完善口岸基础设施建设,并对过境货物进行加工增值。